Bryan Johnson

How to live forever like Bryan Johnson in 3 easy steps

Here's the most important steps, in order, based on Bryan's Blueprint Protocol:

Updated to February 21st 2024.

1) Sleep 💤

"Sleep is the single most important thing any human does on any given day" - Bryan


  • Blacked out room
  • Same bedtime daily
  • Sleep alone
  • Blue light blocking glasses
  • 1 hour downtime before bed
  • Temperature controlled mattress


  • Sleep until natural wake up. Around 8.5-9 hours. Spends up to 9.5 hours in bed. Some nerdy Q&A here.



2) Diet 🍎

Below is all the food Bryan eats every single day:

Customize to you

Bryan eats in a 10% caloric deficit. For him, that means 2250 calories per day. You can easily calculate your caloric need here, then subtract 10% and paste it below. Doing so will adjust the meal sizes.

Super Veggie

Super Veggie - 379 calories

  • Black lentils, 45g dry & 150g cooked
  • Broccoli, 250g
  • Cauliflower, 150g
  • Shiitake or maitake mushrooms, 50g
  • Garlic clove, 1
  • Ginger root, 3g
  • Lime, 1
  • Cumin powder, 1 tbsp
  • Apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp
  • Hemp seeds, 1 tbsp
  • Preparation video
Nutty Pudding

Nutty Pudding - 433 calories

  • Nut milk, 50-100 ml
  • Ground macadamia nuts, 3 tbsp
  • Ground walnuts, 2 tsp
  • Chia seeds, 2 tbsp
  • Ground flaxseeds, 1 tsp
  • Brazil nut, 0.3
  • Cocoa powder, 1 tbsp
  • Sunflower lecithin, 1 tsp
  • Ceylon cinnamon, 0.5 tsp
  • Berries, 0.5 cups
  • Cherries, 3
  • Pomegrante juice, 2 oz
  • Preparation video
Third meal

Third meal - 500 calories


Extras - 938 calories

Don't want to cook?

Eating schedule

  • Bryan eats his last meal of the day, the "Third meal", at 11am


Bryan takes all these supplements daily. You don't necessarily have to, some of them are experimental. Bryan sells the essentials here (should be available around March 2024).

  1. Upon waking
  2. With dinner
  3. Before bed
  4. Other
    • High polyphenol cocoa 5 g
    • Rapamycin (Rx). Rotate 6 and 13 mg bi-weekly.
    • 17α-E2, 8 mg wk transdermal
    • 112 mcg Levothyroxine, 60 mg Armour Thyroid - daily (diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism at age 21)

3) Exercise 💪


  • 1 hour per day
  • ~25 exercises
  • 7 hours weekly
  • 88-105 bpm ~1 hour
  • 106-159 bpm - 4 hours and 30 minutes
  • 159+ bpm 90 mintes



  1. Backwards Sled, 2 min
  2. Posture exercises (video)
  3. Tricep extensions 1x25
  4. Face pulls 1x15
  5. Butterfly, 1x15
  6. Band pull apart (back muscles), 1x15
  7. Back extensions (on a hyperextension), 1x25
  8. Obliques (each side, on a hyperextension), 1x25
  9. Stretches
    • Kneeling shin
    • Hip flexor
    • Couch
  10. Leg raises (for abdomen), 1x50
  11. Seated calf raises, 1x25
  12. Poliquin step ups, 3x10, each leg
  13. Slant board squats, 3x15
  14. ATG Split squats, 3x10
  15. Nordics, 1x10
  16. Reverse Nordics, 1x10
  17. Tibialis raises, 1x25
  18. IsoTib ankle rotations (each), 1x15
  19. Pull ups, 1x15
  20. Chin ups, 1x15
  21. 10 min HIIT (M,W,F)

Hiking on weekends, basketball, tennis, etc.